Men’s Healthcare

Expert Tips to Ensure a Work-Life Balance

Expert Tips to Ensure a Work-Life Balance

a man working depicting work-life balance

We all come across a brief stage in life where we no longer can be dependent on someone for our daily expenses and monthly bills. Once we complete our minimum educational background, we are expected to start our hamster wheel journey of life till we are no longer able to work. Especially for men, work life is expected to start as soon as they turn legal age. Let’s agree, that adulting is hard but do you know what is even harder? Maintaining a balance between your work and personal life. For some people, it takes a whole life to create a work-life balance. 

We are confident that you are not one of those who take a lifetime to realize the value of achieving a work-life balance. Here are some expert tips and tricks that will surely ensure a work-life balance in your life. 

Increase in stress levels 

75% of us are often stressed at work.

A recent survey was done at Perkbox, where 75% of the employees commonly experienced work-related stress. This has increased by a worrying 20% since 2018.

Taking stress can lead to severe medical conditions and may even put you at risk of mental health issues. In the recent years before the coronavirus pandemic, the rate of self-reported work-related stress, depression, or anxiety in men had shown terrible signs of increasing. In 2020-21 the rate was higher than the 2018-19 pre-covid levels.

Health problems 

Unable to strike a healthy balance between work and life can lead to a chaotic environment in your life that has serious health repercussions. Health issues like fatigue, early hair whitening, dehydration, elevated risk of anxiety, burnout, depression, substance abuse disorders, etc. could result from this. You might be able to escape these circumstances of serious physical and mental health-related problems by maintaining a suitable balance between your work and personal life.

Tips to maintain a work-life balance 

  1. Get enough sleep

Getting your 8 hours of sleep is essential for coping with stress and creating a healthy work-life. Sleep deprivation can result in a bad mood, a lack of energy, and an inability to concentrate, all of which are symptoms of bad mental health. Getting a good night’s sleep should therefore be your top priority.

  1. Pamper yourself

Go for walks and start engaging in activities that help you relax from the tension of your job. You could even spend your free time engaging in a hobby that can reduce your stress levels. Take some time for yourself and learn to appreciate the little things in life.

  1. Manage your time

Now, most of us struggle with this. It seems like a big task to manage time for our work and then take time off for our personal life! However, striking the right balance between the two is still not impossible, is it? Give yourself adequate time to finish the job at hand. Try not to overbook yourself. Know your limits and only accept tasks you are confident to finish on time.

  1. Set aside your work

Men often go the extra mile in all aspects of their professional lives. Keep in mind to occasionally put your work aside and take pauses. To recover even more effectively, engage in short trips and adventures to come back even stronger. 

  1. Detach yourself from technology

Studies have found that frequent use of technology even after working hours can cause you to feel like you’re always on the job. This can lead to chronic stress. Give your mind a break and give your eyes a chance to recover as they are exposed to hazardous rays all day.

  1. Learn to say “NO”

Evaluate your priorities both at work and at home. Reduce or delegate activities that you do not enjoy or cannot handle. You’ll have more time for activities that are important to you if you stop accepting tasks out of guilt or a false sense of obligation.


Creating a healthy work-life balance is very important for men’s physical and mental wellness. Speak with a mental health professional if your life seems too hectic for you to handle and you’re spinning your wheels worrying about it. As your family, interests, and profession change, finding a work-life balance is a continuous process. To make sure you’re on track, regularly review your priorities and adjust them as necessary. For more lifestyle-related content, follow

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