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Sexual Diseases Contracted By Men

sexual diseases

Sexually transmitted infections, often called sexually transmitted diseases, are diseases that are passed from one person to another either by sexual contact or direct intimate contact.

According to WHO, more than 1 million people acquire STDs ( sexually transmitted diseases) every day. With some being asymptomatic, it becomes difficult for doctors or the victim themselves to know about it in the early stages. Thus it becomes essential for everyone to be aware of the different kinds of STDs, their signs, and ways to prevent them.

Causes of STDs in men

sexual diseases
  • STDs can be caused by the passing of microorganisms, viruses, and bacteria from one body to another by direct sexual contact. Infections can spread through the anus, penis, and mouth.
  • Apart from sexual contact, some STDs can also spread by using an infected needle. This is very common among junkies who use infected needles to inject drugs into their bodies exposing themselves to various serious sexual diseases which can be transmitted through blood. 

Who can get STDs?

Anyone who engages in unsafe sexual practices has the possibility of getting STDs. Surprisingly, the rate of infections is relatively higher in young adults. Half of the people infected lie between the ages of 15 and 24. This can be understood by the simple fact that young adults explore their sexuality with multiple sexual partners and indulge in unsafe & risky behavior more commonly. Apart from that, gay and bisexual men are especially prone to attracting STDs due to physical engagement with other men(MSM).


Most sexual diseases are asymptomatic meaning the infected person may know about it for some time. The average time when the signs of infections come to light is approximately 20 days or earlier. Here are some of the common symptoms prevalent in the infected person


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