Remedies For Long Lasting In Bed
Do you find it difficult to stay in bed for long periods of time? Is your performance falling short of your partner’s expectations? Not to worry, there are numerous remedies available to help make things better. Here’s a list of things you can do to get more pleasure in bed:
Practice Kegel Exercises
Are you looking for ways to improve your relationship and last longer in the bedroom? Premature ejaculation can be extremely inconvenient for both you and your partner. Finding effective solutions can be difficult, but there are natural treatments available for those suffering from premature ejaculation.
Most people will experience premature ejaculation at some point in their lives; it affects men of all ages, from teenagers to older adults. It is distinguished by an inability to control ejaculation during sexual intercourse, resulting in unsatisfying cross-the-finish-line moments every time.
The use of natural remedies has grown in popularity because they give you the freedom to take control of your health without having to rely solely on pharmaceutical treatments like pills or creams that delay symptoms. There are a number of safe and effective treatments available that can provide symptomatic relief as well as restore confidence in the bedroom. In this article, we will discuss various natural remedies for premature ejaculation to assist you in improving your sexual experiences in a safe and healthy manner.
Premature Ejaculation: Causes And How To Cure It
In men, premature ejaculation occurs when sperm leaves the body (ejaculates) earlier than desired during sex. Early ejaculation is a common sexual complaint. One in every three people claims to have it at some point.
According to the survey conducted by the International Journal of Reproductive Biomedicine, Premature ejaculation (PE; early ejaculation or rapid ejaculation) is a common sexual problem affecting about 20-30% of men in the sexually active age group.
Premature ejaculation is not a cause for concern if it occurs infrequently. However, you may be diagnosed with premature ejaculation if you do the following:
- Within 1 to 3 minutes of penetration, ejaculate always or nearly always.
- Are unable to delay ejaculation entirely or nearly entirely during sex
- Feel distressed and frustrated, and as a result, avoid sexual intimacy

Premature ejaculation is a condition that can be treated. Medications, counselling, and techniques that delay ejaculation can all help you and your partner have better sex.
Anxiety and stress are among the leading factors for premature ejaculation. In addition to that, some men seem to experience premature ejaculation due to some other medical conditions, such as neurological disorders and circulatory problems. Sexual dysfunction and premature ejaculation are some of the most common problems that many men are currently experiencing.
Some of the most popular natural supplements that you can use as a help in dealing with early ejaculation include Tongkat Ali, which is known to help lower levels of estrogen, which is found in herbs and plants in the Amazon rain forest.
Natural Remedies For Premature Ejaculation
Practice Mindfulness Meditation
Mindfulness meditation is a type of calming practice that can aid in the reduction of stress and anxiety, both of which can lead to premature ejaculation. Instead of becoming overwhelmed by your thoughts and feelings, this technique encourages you to focus on being aware of them in the present moment. To meditate on mindfulness, sit comfortably with your eyes closed and focus on each breath until your mind becomes clear.

Try Acupuncture
Another ancient practice used to treat various health conditions, including premature ejaculation, is acupuncture. To release tension and stimulate nerve endings in the pelvic region, tiny needles are inserted into specific pressure points throughout the body. Acupressure, which uses pressure rather than needles, has also been found to be effective as a natural treatment for premature ejaculation.
Increase Vitamin C Intake
Supplements containing high levels of Vitamin C have been found to be effective in reducing symptoms of premature ejaculation in men, according to research studies. Many fruits and vegetables, including citrus fruits (oranges, lemons) and vegetables (broccoli, peppers, spinach), are high in this nutrient, so include them in your diet if you’re looking for natural ways to prevent premature ejaculation.

Use Herbs
Various herbs, such as ashwagandha churna (Indian ginseng), saffron powder mixed with cardamom powder and honey (to make an oral drink), yohimbine (an African herb-based supplement), jatiphalam oil mixed with water (to use as massage oil), or shilajit capsule, have been linked to reducing symptoms of premature ejaculation (an ayurvedic formulation). Before using herbs as a remedy for any medical condition, always consult with a qualified health practitioner for dosage and safety instructions.
Remedies For Long Lasting In Bed
Do you find it difficult to stay in bed for long periods of time? Is your performance falling short of your partner’s expectations? Not to worry, there are numerous remedies available to help make things better. Here’s a list of things you can do to get more pleasure in bed: