Mental Health

Toxic Masculinity: The Reality of What It Means to Be a Man

Toxic Masculinity: The Reality of What It Means to Be a Man

‍The phrase “toxic masculine culture” has become fairly prevalent in the past few years, and it refers to a set of norms that are harmful to men and masculinity. These norms include rigid gender roles, abuse, harassment, objectification, violence, and other abusive or restrictive patterns of behavior that are typically reinforced by social institutions such as patriarchy. Since toxic masculinity is so pervasive in our society, it is important for both men and women to understand its true nature. However, precisely because it is so widespread, many people often misconstrue its true meaning. That’s why reading this article with an open mind will help you understand what the term means and how you can improve your knowledge of it in your own life.

What Does it Mean to Be “Toxic”?

The term “toxic” is generally used to describe something harmful and destructive to biological organisms or the environment. Toxic masculinity is harmful on many levels, both for men and for society as a whole. 

Society often stereotypes men as being violent, aggressive, or brutish. People often use the terms “man up” or “grow a pair” to describe overcoming fears or anxieties associated with things like public speaking or manual labour. 

Men are expected to be tough, unemotional, dominant, and successful in business or other social situations. Failure to conform to these expectations is often met with ridicule or shaming from peers or family members. 

Men are expected to put up a stoic front and refrain from expressing emotions like sadness, anxiety, or fear. If a man shows these emotions, he is often ridiculed for being “weak” or “stupid.”  

Similarly, many people expect men to sexually objectify women, who are often treated as mere “sex objects” and not as equal human beings. Men are expected to be sexually dominant and to exhibit “toxic” masculine behaviours in romantic or sexual relationships with women. If a man treats a woman as an equal partner, he runs the risk of being called “weak” or “dumb.” 

Men are expected to exhibit a particular set of behaviours, which often results in a stressful lifestyle. This lifestyle can lead to health problems and earlier death.

How Does It Hurt Men?

Toxic masculinity hurts both men and women. On one hand, it is often enforced by women who also buy into the stereotypes associated with toxic masculinity. On the other hand, men who do not fit the stereotypes associated with toxic masculinity are often shamed and ridiculed for not “being a real man.” These harmful stereotypes can make it hard for men who don’t fit the “macho” or “stoic” mould to express their emotions in healthy ways. Some men try to repress their emotions, while others simply pretend they don’t exist. Both of these behaviours have negative consequences over time, leading to mental health issues such as anxiety or depression.

4 Examples of Toxic Masculinity in Action

  1. Rigid gender roles: When society expects men and women to behave in certain ways, this creates a toxic gender role for everyone. Some people believe that only women can breastfeed infants, for example, and men who do so are often shamed for breaking with this “norm.”
  2. Sexual objectification: Men and women are both objectified in popular culture, but men are often objectified to a higher degree, as evidenced by the prevalence of “man on the beach” photos.
  3. Violence: Young men often respond to stress or conflict with violence, and this is often seen as “normal” behaviour. This is usually due to high range of testosterone which forces them to seek an adrenaline rush.
  4. Toxic relationships: Men often treat romantic or sexual relationships as power struggles, rather than as a chance to connect with another human being.

3 Ways Men Can Break Free 

The best way to break free from the toxic masculine culture is to stop perpetuating the harmful stereotypes associated with it. This means stepping outside of your comfort zone and challenging the ideas that you’ve been taught about what it means to be a man. It’s important to remember that there is no one way to be a man, and that no two men will share the exact same experiences. Here are some ways you can break free from toxic masculinity:

  1. Educate yourself about toxic masculinity: The more you know about toxic masculinity, the easier it will be to break free of the damaging stereotypes associated with it.
  2. Practice self-compassion: Many men are taught that showing emotions is a sign of weakness, which is why they often push away their feelings. This has the effect of building a wall between you and the world, and can even lead to mental health issues as time goes on.
  3. Engage in open and honest communication: Toxic masculinity often involves keeping your feelings to yourself and not communicating openly and honestly with other men, especially about difficult and uncomfortable topics like race and class inequality.


The next time you hear the term “toxic masculinity,” you’ll know exactly what it means and why it is harmful to everyone. The more you know about toxic masculinity, the easier it will be to break free of it in your own life. This can include stomaching your emotions instead of bottling them up inside or lashing out at others when you feel stressed, anxious, or angry. It can also include learning how to communicate openly and honestly with other people, especially when discussing topics that might make you uncomfortable like race, class, and gender issues.

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